...the solo project and portfolio of graphic designer Alastair Platt.
This site will also act as an outlet for my work in analogue printing check out the Übel Press to see what's in the pipeline and goto the shop to browse the limited edition prints that are for sale. With Übel Press I'm taking graphic design back to its roots, with work produced using letterpress, relief and screen printing techniques. There are limitations in this kind of work, but this I feel breeds ingenuity. And there is nothing like the tactile experience that comes along with this area of work, actually being able to feel the ink on the paper somehow makes it more beautiful. You can tell passion has gone into the production; this passion can be lost in the digital printouts of the 21st century. See the Übel Press pages by clicking here.
"Good design is making something intelligible and memorable.
Great design is making something memorable and meaningful."
Dieter Rams
I'm looking to expand the web design area of my portfolio, so If your answer is yes then send me an e-mail with a brief outline of what you're thinking and I'll have a look and get back to you...